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Busting the myth! AI and Automation are no different

Technology has evolved exponentially over the years; now you can automate almost every task with the help of software and gadgets.

However, if we look from a business’s perspective, it requires automation at every step of their business process; marketing campaigns, lead capture, sales pipeline, and much more. Here, companies often get confused between AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the automation process. 

The myth about AI and automation being the same is very common, in fact, many people interchange the terms when they’re talking about one or the other. 

So, I had to know, how much truth is behind this myth? And with the help of some industry experts, I was able to debunk yet another myth!  

Here’s what our experts have to say on whether AI and automation are the same or not.  

1. Blake Burch

CEO and Co-Founder, Shipyard

AI is just one potential facet of automation. Automation involves taking existing business processes and turning both the decision and the action into something a computer or machine can do independently. Traditionally, business rules and decisions will be embedded into the code as a decision tree that powers an automated script. 
On the other hand, AI relies on machine learning models or neural networks to process data and make the best decision given the desired goal. With AI, the automated decision is not pre-programmed with rules, so the reasoning behind the decision is generally less explainable. 

2. Matt Raad

CEO, eBusiness Institute 

AI and automation are different in many ways. Artificial intelligence is used for non-repetitive tasks because it is programmed to learn (and evolve) from the inputs it receives and makes decisions based on that. On the other hand, automation is used to perform repetitive tasks and functions in response to commands. Moreover, it doesn’t involve learning or interacting with humans.

3. Alex Burkett

CEO & Owner, Outdoor Alliances 

From my experience, both functions very differently. Artificial intelligence functions more as a learning mechanism, and automation is designed to eliminate human learning by performing a routine and repeating a task over time. Both have an important place when looking at future technology. Test both and decide how to best use AI and automation. Understand both well and the impact it can have on your business moving forward.

4. Daniel Foley 

SEO manager, MCS rental software

No, I don’t believe so. Automation is a wide term that refers to a group of technologies rather than a single technology, which explains why there is so much misconception about its link to AI. Artificial intelligence, robotics, and software can all be considered forms of automation. Machines that scamper across factory floors delivering components and packages, or programs that automate administrative tasks like accounting or payroll, are examples of the latter two types.

5. Andrei Kurtuy

Co-Founder & COO, Novoresume 

Automation is a term used to describe the automated execution of business activities based on specified criteria. For instance, copying data from spreadsheets and uploading it to ERP systems. 

Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, refers to a digital worker’s capacity to conduct business operations that need decision-making and predictive intelligence in the same manner that a person would. Reading incoming e-mails, understanding the sender’s emotions, and responding appropriately would be a relatively easy use case.

6. David Farkas

Founder & CEO, The Upper Ranks 

The most major technological advancement is automation. And artificial intelligence is the foundation of this new, more advanced kind of automation. AI and automation are altering organizations all around the world by increasing productivity. However, the phrases AI and automation are frequently used interchangeably, leading to confusion. Both names refer to intelligent machines that make our lives a little easier and more enjoyable. Despite everything, AI and automation are not the same things.


From the responses that we have received, it’s apparent that AI and automation are two different terms with completely different implications on business processes.

While AI uses predictive analysis to make decisions, automation is mainly for automating repetitive tasks and activities.

Dhara Thakkar

Dhara Thakkar is a seasoned marketer at Salesmate. She thrives on trying new organic strategies to improve traffic & conversions, and has in-depth knowledge on how search works. When she's not working, you will find her travelling or binge watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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