Top rated across all platforms
Customers have rated us the best compared to any other software across review platforms like G2, Gartner, TrustRadius.

Instant insights with widgets and pre-built templates

Revenue by source over time
Find out deal sources that are generating the highest revenue for the business.

Sales pipeline
View number of deals and its value group by stages for a particular pipeline.

Sales activity leader board
See who on your team is putting the best efforts and spark healthy competition to achieve more.

Call outcomes
Explore the end results of all the calls your reps have made to improve connects and closures.

Sales Forecasting
Never have a bad quarter – avoid surprises and plan better with built-in sales forecasting.

Goal achievement
Define goals for your teams and reps, create leaderboards and help them achieve it.

Customers by Industry
Find the most profitable industry for your business.

Leads by Source
Define the best marketing channels bringing new business.

Email Template Performance
Find open, click, reply rates for email templates.

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Migrate to the most trusted and secure CRM!
Nobody can access your data, not even us.