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Get a 360° view of all your contacts and access the required information from anywhere, anytime. Stay on track of your customer’s journey and nurture them at every stage.


Contact database & management software WITH POWERFUL AUTOMATION

Manage your contact database with ease and turn every opportunity into closure

Exceed your customers’ expectations with seamless communication over multiple channels, and deliver exceptional experiences with best contact management software. Do it all with Salesmate’s Contact Management CRM.


contact Quick view

Get a clear view of every contact’s detail on a single page so that you can respond to their needs right on time. Access past conversations directly from the timeline to deliver best user experience and close more deals.

Manage contacts from a single page
Get a view of client’s journey

360° contact management

Stay up-to-date with every contact’s journey with your company. Access their timeline consisting of complete information of the contact history, activities, conversations, and other details that are helpful for you to close deals.

bulk activities

bulk activities

Perform multiple activities on several contacts at the same time. It’s easy to email, message, and notify bulk contacts together by saving up to 37% of your valuable time with Salesmate’s Contact management software.

Perform bulk activities to save time
Manage every task efficiently

Activity tracking

Create new activities, set reminders, view past activities to maintain comprehensive records. Salesmate’s contact management software keeps you informed about the upcoming activities so that you can take necessary actions at the right time. It helps you manage your entire contact database with ease.

Top rated across all platforms

Customers have rated us the best compared to any other software across review platforms like G2, Gartner, TrustRadius.

High Performer 2024
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Integrate Salesmate with your favorite apps

Salesmate integrates with 700+ business apps including Google Apps, Microsoft, and Zapier

tags and filters

tags and filters

Assign various tags and sort contacts using 50+ filters with Salesmate’s contact management software. No need to apply filters every time; just hit on the saved view, and you are done!

Add tags & smart filters
Get 360° customer view
contact timeline and insights

contact timeline and insights

Gain 360° visibility on all your contacts to view every tiny detail of your customers on a single screen. Access activities, deals, notes, emails, files, texts, sequences, page visits, and every key detail from the contact timeline. Auto-enrich your contacts to get more information before making the discovery call.

global search

global search

Perform global search from Salesmate’s contact management CRM and find every piece of information that contains your search phrase. Filter your data using attributes like Contacts, Companies, Deals, Activities, and Notes, and funnel the findings using Ownership of a contact.

Find every information with Global Search
Make calls right from your CRM screen
built-in calling

built-in calling

Make and receive calls to anyone from your contact database, send texts, access call logs, record calls and get call insights- all of it from your CRM screen! Get toll-free or virtual phone numbers and make quick calls to your customers from any corner of the world.

Jacqui Sabo

We can see our pipeline, including the sales process stages and the dollar volume at each stage. Since our inception 90 days ago, our pipeline has grown 100%

Jacqui Sabo Vice President Kissflow, Faciliteq

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Find answers!

What is contact management software?

Contact management software is a tool designed to efficiently store and organize contact details and information about customers, prospects, and other important connections.

This software allows businesses to manage customer relationships by tracking interactions and communication history, ensuring all customer data is up-to-date and accessible.

It helps sales and marketing teams to keep a centralized database of contact records, making it easier to log customer interactions, manage sales leads, and improve customer satisfaction through better communication and relationship management.

Why do we need contact management?

Contact management is crucial for businesses to nurture customer relationships effectively. By using the best contact management system, organizations can maintain an accurate contact database, streamline data entry, and ensure that all customer contacts are organized and accessible.

This leads to better sales performance, as sales teams can quickly access contact data, track sales activities, and manage their sales pipeline more efficiently.

Furthermore, contact management tools enhance customer experience by providing a comprehensive view of the entire customer journey, enabling personalized communication and targeted marketing campaigns.

What are the benefits of contact management software?

Using the right contact management software offers numerous benefits that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of managing customer relationships and sales processes.

Here are some key advantages:

1. Centralized database

Contact management solutions provide a centralized database for storing all your customer contact information. This ensures that all your contact records are easily accessible and up-to-date, eliminating the need for multiple spreadsheets or manual tracking systems.

2. Improved customer relationships

By using customer contact management software, businesses can track customer interactions and communication history. This helps in understanding customer needs, personalizing communication, and ultimately improving customer relationships and customer satisfaction.

3. Streamlined sales processes

Sales contact management software helps sales teams manage sales leads, track sales activities, and monitor the sales pipeline more efficiently. This leads to better sales performance and higher conversion rates.

4. Automation and efficiency

Contact management tools automate repetitive tasks such as data entry and contact tracking. This not only saves time but also reduces the chances of errors, ensuring accurate and reliable business data.

5. Enhanced collaboration

Contact management systems facilitate better collaboration among sales and marketing teams by providing a unified view of customer data. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and can work together to achieve common goals.

6. Data-driven insights

CRM contact management software offers valuable insights into customer interactions and sales performance. Businesses can use these insights to make informed decisions, optimize their sales processes, and improve overall business strategies.

7. Integration with other tools 

Contact management software solutions often integrate with other tools such as email marketing platforms, project management software, and document management systems. This ensures seamless workflows and enhances overall productivity.

8. Scalability

Cloud contact management software solutions are scalable and can grow with your business. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, contact management systems can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

9. Improved data security

Contact management CRM software provides robust security features to protect your contact database and customer information. This ensures that sensitive data is secure and compliant with data protection regulations.

10. Customizable and user-friendly

Contact management software is often customizable to fit the unique needs of your business. Additionally, many solutions offer a user-friendly interface, making it easy for teams to adopt and use effectively.

11. Enhanced customer experience

By having a comprehensive view of the entire customer journey, businesses can provide a more personalized and seamless customer experience. This includes tracking phone calls, managing customer interactions, and ensuring timely follow-ups.

What is the difference between contact management and CRM?

Contact management primarily focuses on storing and organizing contact details and tracking interactions with individuals. It is a fundamental aspect of managing customer relationships but is limited to basic contact storage and communication tracking.

On the other hand, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) encompasses a broader range of functionalities, including sales management, marketing automation, and workflow management.

CRM systems provide comprehensive tools to manage the entire customer journey, from lead generation to post-sale support, and offer advanced features like sales pipeline tracking, email marketing campaigns, and task management.

What are the best contact management tools?

The best contact management tool varies based on specific business needs and preferences. These tools offer robust contact management capabilities, seamless integrations, and advanced features to enhance sales and marketing efforts.

Here are some top contact management software that helps you in managing contacts effectively.

1. Salesmate

Salesmate is a cloud-based contact management software that helps you manage your sales pipeline and boost your productivity. It offers a variety of features such as lead capture, contact management, opportunity tracking, and task management. It also has built-in calling, texting, and email, so that you can manage all your communication from a single platform.

2. Salesforce

Salesforce is a leading CRM software to manage contacts. It allows businesses to store and manage contact records, track customer interactions, and automate sales processes. Salesforce’s robust analytics and integration capabilities make it one of the best CRM for contact management.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot CRM is a widely used CRM contact management software known for its free and easy-to-use platform. It offers a range of features including contact management capabilities, sales tracking, and marketing automation. HubSpot CRM helps businesses improve customer interactions and manage their sales process effectively.

4. Nimble

Nimble is a contact management application that focuses on social media integration. It helps businesses manage customer contacts by gathering information from various social media platforms and organizing it into a centralized contact database.

5. Freshsales

Freshsales offers a comprehensive contact management solution with features like lead scoring, automated workflows, and contact tracking. It is designed to help businesses enhance their sales performance by providing a clear view of the customer journey.

6. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a software for contact management that focuses on sales pipeline management. It helps sales teams manage sales leads, track phone calls, and organize contact details. Pipedrive’s intuitive interface and powerful features make it a favorite among sales professionals.

7. Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is best software for contact management that integrates with other Microsoft tools. It provides features for contact list management, sales management, and customer lifecycle tracking. Its seamless integration with Microsoft Office makes it a convenient choice for businesses using Microsoft products.

8. Streak

Streak is a contact management tool that integrates with Gmail. It allows businesses to manage contacts directly from their email inbox, making it a convenient solution for those who rely heavily on email communication.

What is contact management in Excel?

Contact management in Excel involves using spreadsheets to store and organize contact details. While it provides a basic solution for contact list management, it lacks the advanced features and automation offered by dedicated contact management software.

Excel can be useful for small businesses with limited contacts but may become cumbersome and inefficient as the contact database grows. Transitioning to a contact management tool or CRM system can offer better scalability, automation, and integration with other business processes.

What integrations are included in contact management software?

Contact management systems often include integrations with various tools and platforms to streamline workflows and enhance functionality. Common integrations include:

  • Email marketing: Integrations with email marketing tools allow businesses to automate email marketing campaigns, track email interactions, and manage contacts more efficiently. This helps in maintaining an up-to-date contact management database and ensuring targeted communication.
  • CRM systems: Seamless integration with CRM tools to manage the entire customer journey, from lead generation to post-sale follow-up, ensuring a cohesive approach to customer relationship management.
  • Project management: Integrations with project management software help businesses coordinate tasks, manage projects, and track progress. This ensures that contact-related tasks and projects are well-organized and completed efficiently.
  • Document management: Integrations with document management platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive allow businesses to store, share, and access important documents directly within the contact management system. This reduces the time spent searching for documents and ensures that all relevant information is easily accessible.
  • Task management: Tools like Todoist, Microsoft To-Do, and Wunderlist can be integrated to automate and track tasks related to contact management. This helps in maintaining an organized workflow and ensuring that important tasks are not overlooked.
  • Web forms: Integrations with form builders and landing page creators such as Typeform, JotForm, and Unbounce enable businesses to capture leads and customer contact information directly into the contact database software. This automation reduces manual data entry and ensures that all leads are promptly followed up.

    By integrating with these tools, contact management software enhances its capabilities, reduces redundant tasks, and ensures that all aspects of customer relationship management are efficiently handled.

    This makes the software an essential component in managing customer interactions, improving sales performance, and driving overall business success.

What makes Salesmate contact management popular?

Salesmate contact management system is popular due to its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and seamless integrations. It offers:

  • Comprehensive features: Salesmate offers a wide range of contact management features that cater to the needs of sales and marketing teams. These include contact tracking, automated workflows, and email marketing campaigns, which streamline the entire customer journey.
  • Centralized database: Salesmate provides a centralized database for storing all customer contact information. This ensures that all contact data is up-to-date and easily accessible, reducing the need for manual data entry and improving data management.
  • Automation and efficiency: The software automates repetitive tasks, such as data entry and follow-up reminders, which enhances productivity and allows sales teams to focus on more strategic activities. This includes sales pipeline management and tracking sales activities.
  • Personalization and customization: Salesmate allows businesses to personalize their interactions with customers by tracking communication history and logging all customer interactions. This helps in creating tailored communication strategies that improve customer satisfaction and foster stronger customer relationships.
  • Seamless integrations: Salesmate integrates with various CRM systems, project management tools, document management software, and other contact management applications. These integrations enable a seamless workflow and ensure that all business processes are interconnected and efficient.
  • User-friendly interface: Salesmate is known for its simple contact management software interface, making it easy for users to navigate and manage their contact database. This simplicity is particularly beneficial for small businesses and startups that require a basic contact management software.
  • Scalability: Salesmate is designed to scale with businesses as they grow. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, Salesmate can handle increasing amounts of contact data and customer interactions without compromising performance.
  • Customer support: Salesmate provides excellent customer support, ensuring that users can maximize the potential of the software. This includes help with configuring features, integrating other tools, and optimizing contact management capabilities.
  • Data-driven insights: Salesmate offers advanced analytics and reporting features that provide valuable insights into sales performance, customer interactions, and overall business health. This helps sales managers and teams make informed decisions and improve their strategies.
  • Mobile accessibility: Salesmate’s cloud contact management software ensures that users can access their contact management system from anywhere, at any time. This mobile accessibility is crucial for sales teams that are frequently on the move and need to access contact details and customer information on the go.
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