
Salesmate Webinar: Summer Release - Unveiling exciting updates & features on 18th Jul 2024, Thursday at 1:00 PM EST. Reserve your spot.

sales engagement crm software

  • Connect with leads with built-in communication channels.
  • Reach out to leads faster with top-notch automation.
  • Manage the entire journey of leads and customers with full-fledged CRM.

No credit card required.

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Sales engagement platform that helps sales teams keep track of all the interactions and engagement happening with leads and customers.

CRM is a system of records that help you build better relationships with customers and retain them.

Here are a few more benefits you should know:

  • Sales teams can easily reach out to leads using multiple communication channels.
  • Teams can see a clear improvement in sales productivity with ersonalized outreach automation.
  • Sales engagement software can score leads so you can interact with right prospects.

sales engagement crm

Can you get sales engagement software and
CRM, both in one system?

YES. Salesmate is the answer.
Find out why Salesmate should be your next choice if you’re hunting sales engagement platform.

Lead generation

  • Create Web Forms and embed them on websites, emails, and crucial money pages.
  • Integrate Google and Microsoft 365 Calendars with Meeting Scheduler, and book more calls or demos.
  • Let Chatbots collect leads while you’re busy closing deals.
Capture leads and bring them directly into CRM
Reach out to prospects the way they like!


  • Bring your entire inbox in Salesmate and start sending bulk emails.
  • Start calling prospects in 80+ countries with Built-in Calling.
  • Achieve maximum open rates with text messaging.
  • Interact with website visitors with Live Chat.

Salesmate packs a ton of value delivered with unparalleled simplicity. I have created different pipelines for each sales effort to track projects easily.

Bismark D.
Bismark D. Verified Verified Customer

Salesmate improved our sales effectiveness. It's got everything we need, works efficiently and it’s affordable. Our team picked this over all of the other platform.

Robert A.
Robert A. Verified Verified Customer

Automation capabilities

  • Send thousands of follow-ups automatically with Sequences.
  • Onboard leads with personalized automated emails.
  • Manage deals automatically in Sales Pipelines.
  • Build your personalized Dashboards for better visibility.
  • Score leads and spend time on right prospects.
Automate personalized communication at scale!
Reports drive decisions. They better be good!


  • Get insights on lead sources and lead quality
  • Discover your best teammates with performance reports.
  • Use pre-made report templates to get started in seconds.
  • Build your personalized Dashboards for better visibility.
Why 5000+ businesses chose Salesmate?

Salesmate is a simple yet powerful CRM + sales engagement platform to scale your sales operations. Want to explore?


How much does it cost to buy a CRM with sales engagement capabilities?

Incredible value, transparent pricing. Take a 15-day FREE trial and discover the true potential of Salesmate.


Build & organize your sales function


per user/month

$276, billed annually Or $29 per user if billed monthly


Automate sales and close more deals


per user/month

$468, billed annually Or $49 per user if billed monthly

Most Popular

Become a revenue machine


per user/month

$756, billed annually Or $79 per user if billed monthly

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on Sales Engagement Platform

What is a sales engagement platform?

A sales engagement platform is an integrated solution designed to optimize interactions between a company’s sales team and its prospects or customers.   

It helps streamline the sales process, manage multichannel communications, automate routine tasks, provide actionable analytics, enhancing sales teams’ productivity and effectiveness.

Why use sales engagement tool?

Using a sales engagement platform is beneficial for several reasons:

1. Efficiency and productivity:

It helps automate routine tasks and manage communications across multiple channels, enabling sales teams to spend more time engaging with prospects and leads rather than spending valuable time on administrative tasks.

2. Optimized sales process:

An optimized sales process streamlines the sales journey, improving efficiency, enhancingprospects  engagement, and increasing revenue.

3. Insightful analytics:

It offers actionable insights based on past interactions and leads data, supporting data-driven decision-making and strategy optimization.

4. Integration:

The platform integrates seamlessly with other tools, such as engagement CRM, enhancing the efficiency of your sales tech stack.

5. Enhanced sales performance:

By centralizing various sales activities and providing key features tailored for sales, the platform can lead to improved sales performance, driving more revenue.

6. Improved customer interactions:

With a sales engagement platform, businesses can offer a consistent, personalized experience across customer touchpoints, fostering better customer relationships and increasing customer retention. 

Choosing the best sales engagement software can significantly impact a company’s sales productivity and bottom line. The right sales engagement tool can empower your sales teams and enhance their ability to engage prospects effectively.

How do I choose a sales engagement platform?

Choosing the right sales engagement platform or sales engagement tool depends on several factors:

1. Business needs:

Understand your business needs, goals, and challenges in the sales process. A sales engagement platform should help your sales teams solve their most significant pain points, whether that’s improving email campaigns, enhancing lead generation, or managing the sales pipeline more efficiently.

2. Key features:


The best sales engagement platform for your business will have the features that meet your specific needs. These could include multichannel communication, automated email campaigns, email templates, mobile capability, etc.

3. Integration:


The platform should integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack, including your tools that you are already using. This is important for maintaining a cohesive sales process and preventing data silos.

4. Usability and Support:


The platform should be user-friendly and offer robust customer support. This ensures that your sales teams can make the most of the platform and receive help when needed.

5. Pricing:


Consider your budget. The best sales engagement platforms aren’t necessarily the most expensive one, but the one that offers the best value for your business needs.

6. Scalability:


The platform should be able to grow with your business. It’s crucial to ensure that the selected sales engagement platform can handle increasing data volume and sales activities as your business expands.

7. Vendor Reputation:


Lastly, consider the vendor’s reputation. The top sales engagement platforms usually come from vendors with a proven track record of delivering high-quality products and excellent customer service. 

How does sales engagement software work?

Sales engagement platform, works by centralizing and streamlining the various tasks, data, and workflows involved in the sales process.

1. Multichannel communication:


The platform enables sales teams to manage all their lead interactions across multiple channels such as SMS, email, phone calls. This ensures a cohesive communication with leads and ensures that no leads fall through the cracks.

2. Task automation:


It automates routine tasks such as data entry and follow-ups, allowing sales reps to focus more on building relationships with prospects and leads, thus closing more deals.

3. CRM integration:


Sales engagement platforms often integrate with various other tools to provide a unified view of leads data and past interactions. This helps to personalize and enhance interactions.

4. Sales pipeline management:


The platform provides tools to effectively manage the sales pipeline, tracking each prospect’s progress through the sales cycle. This visibility enables better forecasting and decision-making.

5. Analytics and insights:


It also provides actionable insights based on past interactions, sales activities, and lead data. These insights can help sales teams optimize their strategies and improve their sales performance.

6. Lead generation:


Many platforms also assist with lead generation, offering features such as customizable web forms for capturing leads, and prhospecting tools for finding and reaching out to potential customers. 

In essence, a Sales Engagement Platform enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of sales teams by automating and coordinating various sales activities, providing actionable insights, and enabling a seamless, personalized customer journey. 

The best sales engagement CRM will be easy to use and integrate with your existing tools, supporting your sales teams in their pursuit of improved sales outcomes.

Who uses sales engagement software?

Sales engagement software is primarily used by sales-oriented roles within an organization. The specific roles can vary but typically include:

1. Sales teams:

Sales teams are the main users of a sales engagement platform. They use the platform for managing leads and prospects interactions, executing outreach campaigns, running email campaigns, and optimizing their sales process.

The tool helps them to streamline sales activities, from lead management to closing more deals.

2. Sales managers and sales leaders:

These individuals use the platform to monitor their team’s performance, manage the sales pipeline, and gain actionable insights to drive strategic decisions.

3. Sales development teams:

They utilize sales engagement tools to carry out prospecting tasks, and to manage and track outbound sales campaigns.

4. Sales enablement teams:

They leverage the platform to provide training, content, and resources that enhance the productivity and effectiveness of the sales teams.

5. Revenue teams:

These teams, often composed of sales, marketing, and customer success professionals, utilize the platform to align their strategies and drive revenue growth.

6. B2B sales teams:

In particular, B2B sales teams use the best sales engagement platforms to manage complex, longer-term sales cycles involving multiple stakeholders.

7.Marketing teams:

Though not their primary users, marketing teams can also use the platform to align their activities with sales, create email templates, manage automated email campaigns, and measure the success of their lead generation efforts. 

The best sales engagement software will be user-friendly and versatile enough to support all these different roles in an organization.

It will work as a unified tool for all customer-facing teams to enhance their productivity and foster high-quality sales engagement. 

What are the sales engagement software features?

Sales Engagement Software comes equipped with a variety of features designed to optimize and streamline the sales process. These features can include:

1. Email Campaigns:

This tool allows sales reps to create, manage, and track automated email campaigns, enhancing the effectiveness of their outreach efforts. 

2. Lead Generation:

With customizable web forms and prospecting tools, the software can assist in capturing and managing new leads.

3. Multichannel Communication:

The software supports engagement across multiple channels such as SMS, email, phone, providing a unified and consistent communication strategy.

4. Sales Pipeline Management:

The sales engagement tool provides a clear view of the sales pipeline, tracking each prospect’s journey through the sales cycle.

5. Task Automation:

Routine tasks like follow-ups and data entry can be automated, freeing up sales reps to focus on higher-value activities.

6. Analytics and Reporting:

The software provides insights based on customer interactions and sales activities, helping sales teams to make data-driven decisions.

7. Mobile Capability:

Many sales engagement platforms come with mobile capabilities, allowing sales reps to access the data and manage their tasks on the go.

8. Sales Sequences:

The sales engagement solution allows for the creation of sales sequences, which are automated workflows designed to guide leads through the sales process.

These are automated workflows to reach out your prospects at regular intervals and take automated follow-ups using emails, text or manual actions until you get a response.

9. Calling and Texting:

Some sales engagement CRMs offer integrated calling and texting capabilities, allowing sales reps to make and record calls, send SMS campaigns directly from the platform.

10. Customizable Templates:

Sales reps can use customizable email templates to ensure a consistent and professional appearance in their communications. 

These features make a sales engagement platform a versatile and valuable tool for any sales team. The best sales engagement platforms will offer a mix of these features, tailored to the specific needs and workflows of the sales team.  

By leveraging these features, sales reps can enhance their productivity, improve customer engagement, and drive more deals to close.

How much does sales engagement software cost?

The cost of a sales engagement platform varies, influenced by features, team size, and vendor choice. Prices range from under $50 per user/month for basic services in smaller sales teams, to over $150 for platforms offering extensive features for large organizations.

Mid-range sales engagement solutions generally cost $50-$150 per user/month. Always verify current prices with sales engagement software vendors and consider total costs, including implementation, training, and ongoing support.

Is Salesmate a sales engagement platform?

Yes, Salesmate is a sales engagement platform designed to simplify the sales process and enhance productivity. It provides a suite of features that help sales teams and sales reps manage their sales pipelines, automate their tasks, track leads interactions, and more.  

As a sales engagement software, it offers various features such as email and text campaigns, lead management, live chat, shared inbox, lead scoring, multichannel communication, and sales automation using sequences, journey based automation and workflow automation.  

These functionalities help businesses optimize their sales strategy, enhance sales productivity, and ultimately close more deals. Always remember to consider your specific needs and workflows when choosing the best sales engagement platform for your team.Â