Send & receive text messages from Dialpad inside Salesmate

Directly send text messages to your prospects and customers using Dialpad inside Salesmate with this integration.

Send & receive text messages from Dialpad inside Salesmate

Top reasons to integrate Dialpad and Salesmate

Manage Only One Tool
Manage Only One Tool

Don’t juggle between apps. Send and receive SMS right from Salesmate!

Bulk SMS
Bulk SMS

Send texts to hundreds of customers or prospects in just a few clicks.

Scale With Automation
Scale With Automation

Combine text messaging with emails using Salesmate Sequences or Marketing Automation capabilities.

Benefits of Dialpad and Salesmate integration

Make and receive texts right into your CRM

No need to manage two software for the next needs. Manage SMS marketing and sales activities inside Salesmate.

Shoot personalized bulk SMS campaigns in minutes

Using the combination of Salesmate and Dialpad, you can create personalized SMS campaigns, and send them to your target lists/segements in minutes.

Mix texts with emails and calls

Salesmate Sequence and Marketing Automation lets you create a combination of email, texts, and calls to design an ideal journey with defined touchpoints of your choice.

Salesmate + DialPad

Check out the support article on how you can use this powerful integration.