Trusted by 8,500+ businesses globally

Track, assign, automate sales activities

Share list views with your team

Shared team inbox

Mention, Notes & Notifications
Top rated across all platforms
Customers have rated us the best compared to any other software across review platforms like G2, Gartner, TrustRadius.

Built-in calling

Create custom reports

Email & text templates

Mobile App

Sales Sequences

Connect Salesmate CRM with your favorite apps
Benefits of using Salesmate collaborative CRM

Salesmate wins hearts because it offers a bunch of features at the most affordable prices that a small businesses can afford. Salesmate comes with 2 mindfully-designed plans!

Secure & reliable
Your data is stored in a completely encrypted format, with extra controls, ensuring 100% isolation and higher confidence of not mixing or leaking.

More productive
Salesmate provides automation in features like activities, data entry, sequences, workflows, etc. You can put your sales tasks on autopilot to invest more energy into selling better!

Salesmate can be tailored according to your business needs. From custom pipelines to automated sequences, you can literally mold Salesmate according to your needs.

Salesmate makes sure you don’t have to suffer when working with your favorite tools. We have more than 2000+ integrations, so you can work effortlessly with your existing tools.

Keeps you focused
With the right set of features, Salesmate makes sure you’re focused on building relationships and improving your sales. It is designed to help you grow and achieve your goals!