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Lead Qualification Bot

How do chatbots qualify leads: Step by step learning in 2024! 

Key Takeaways
  • 55% of businesses using lead qualification bots received more high-quality leads.
  • Using bots, you can qualify and capture leads automatically, communicate with web visitors in real-time, build memorable brand experiences 24/7 etc.
  • A bot is an automated marketing conversational tool that interacts with site visitors and qualifies leads based on past communication.

Do you know? 67% of reps lose sales due to poor qualification of leads.

And a lead qualification bot can fix this. 

A study reveals that 55% of businesses using lead bots received more high-quality leads!  

So, lead qualification bots are game changers to ease your qualification process.   

 Using a lead qualification bot, you can…  

  • Communicate with web visitors in real-time  
  • Qualify and capture leads automatically  
  • Boost engagement by dealing with web queries 24/7  
  • Build memorable brand experiences 

This blog covers how to qualify leads with chatbots with 6 powerful lead-qualifying chatbots that you must try!

Let’s dive in. 

What is a lead qualification bot? 

The lead qualification bot is an automated marketing conversational tool that interacts with website visitors and qualifies leads based on past communication.

It asks ideal qualifying questions that help to know the buying intention of web visitors.

Bots ease the job of marketers with automated lead generation + qualification.  

They offer various perks. For instance, marketers use bots to deal with web visitors’ queries, as 80% of routine questions can be answered using a lead bot.  

Chatbots have various potential benefits; let’s check them out. 

Benefits of having a lead qualification bot 

A chatbot has various other significant perks that you can experience. It offers various benefits such as: 

Benefits of having a lead qualification bot

1. 24/7 engagement

A Chabot is like having a 24/7 executive to assist your web visitors. It enables non-stop availability for visitors, representing your business as a customer-centric brand.   

The bot asks relevant questions based on your qualification framework to qualify the lead visiting your web page and further scheduling meetings with those wanting to connect for the demos or any consultation.  

You can set questions, and the conversation will give you real-time insights about the visitor’s persona and buying intent.  

2. Automated qualification process  

The qualifying process involves multiple steps: 

Step 1: Develop an ideal customer profile (ICP)  

Step 2: Define qualification criteria for leads

Step 3: Create an automated lead scoring system  

Step 4: Classify marketing and sales qualified leads  

Execute the above lead qualification process successfully with a chatbot and boost your business opportunities. 

3. Collects and saves data 

Another benefit of having a chatbot is that it automatically collects and stores the conversation or data the lead shares in your CRM.   

So, your sales and marketing teams can leverage these details to offer a better customer experience or conduct better qualifications during the sales calls. 

4. Boost productivity and is cost-efficient  

Chatbots are tools for automated lead qualification. So, this results in not only improvised engagement and efficiency but also cost savings!    

I’ll tell you how.  

Introducing a qualification bot lowers the number of reps required in the team as it can efficiently handle web queries, and that too 24/7.    

Moving on to the step-by-step learning of how do chatbots qualify leads.    

How do chatbots qualify leads? 

Here’s how chatbots qualify leads so you can optimize your strategy and drive better results.  

How to qualify leads using a chatbot

Step 1: Set sales qualification framework  

When setting these parameters, you need an effective qualification framework relevant to your business.   

There are various powerful sales qualification frameworks to consider. Below are the three most popular ones;  

CHAMP– Challenge, Authority, Money, Priority  

BANT– Budget, Authority, Needs, Timeline  

NEAT– Needs, Economic impact, Authority, Timeline.  

All these sales qualification frameworks have similar features but have key qualifying attributes for getting more qualified leads.  

Choosing the most relevant framework that matches your company’s necessities is best.

This is how you can get started with the bot by determining the most relevant qualification framework.  

Step 2: Make a list of qualifying questions  

After selecting the framework, it is time to frame qualifying questions. These questions will help the bot qualify the lead and pass them directly to the sales team.   

You must ask simple yet specific questions that serve the purpose of business.   

Visitors also appreciate answering questions that are minimal in counts and serve concise intention.   

These questions help to understand the motive of visitors to the page. Your bot should have a set of questions like:  

  • What got you here today?  
  • What is your objective with [brand name]?  
  • What do you want to enquire about?  
  • What’s your budget range?  
  • How soon do you want to implement this solution?  
  • Can you help me with your Name and contact coordinates so our team can contact you directly?  

You can set some questions for the bots to qualify leads efficiently.   

For more, read: 21+ Sales qualifying questions to boost productivity in 2024 

Step 3: Choose the right tool 

Choosing the right qualification tool is a critical step. 

But there is no point in implementing a qualification bot tool alone; rather, go for a unified, efficient customer platform to streamline your entire business cycle. 

Generating qualified leads is a beginning step, but you need to nurture leads at best to close a deal. 

Ensure the tool offers the benefits of saving incoming conversations and managing and nurturing to close more deals.

For example, a CRM and automation tool with a chatbot can be a robust option.

With a powerful chatbot, you can start qualifying and generating more leads that manage in your CRM to further nurture with personalized campaigns.

An automation suite will help boost sales and marketing professionals’ productivity by automating mundane tasks.

Hence, while choosing the right tool, you must remember to pick one that offers lead generation, qualification, routing, and segmenting features.

Say Hi to Hottest Leads with Automated Scoring!

Say Hi to Hottest Leads with Automated Scoring!

With Salesmate Score, you can automatically qualify leads based on various actions and conditions triggers.

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6 Best lead qualification bots you must try!

Chatbots are potential tools for lead generation, qualifying prospects and offering a memorable customer journey. Choose the best tool based on the values they offer.

1. Salesmate  

Salesmate Chatbot

Salesmate is a one-stop solution for your sales, marketing, and customer support.  

It offers Chat Journeys (aka chatbot), a lead qualifying and scheduling chatbot.

It assists in generating, scoring, qualifying, and assigning leads automatically. 

Plus, it helps you design your entire customer journey seamlessly and also track the performance to improve.

Moreover, the platform serves as complete lead management software.

Chat Journeys helps qualify visitors as you can build a whole dedicated lead scoring system and automate the process. 

With Chat Journeys, you can set messages, questions, posts, and banners.

Moreover, you can generate, capture, qualify and assign leads on autopilot.

You can access Salesmate’s CRM and automation tools for only $23/user/month.

Turn your web queries into paying deals!

Turn your web queries into paying deals!

Salesmate's Chatbot lets you generate and qualify leads for your sales team 24/7. Don't just believe. Witness yourself!

Start your free trial

2. Landbot 

Landbot chatbot builder

Landbot is a no-code chatbot builder platform. Landbot is an independent tool where you can export lead details by integrating it with your existing google sheet.  

With Landbot, you can generate leads. Also, you can set up questions that will help the bot qualify leads for your sales rep. 

Overall, the tool is customizable and provides good bot services.   

However, the only drawback is the tool needs to be integrated with your current software. As it only offers the bot service.  

Its starter plan costs euro 24/month when billed annually. 

3. Birdeye 


Birdeye is a platform that allows you to connect with web visitors via bots. It offers messaging, web chat, and payment features to convert leads.  

It’s a great tool to connect with your customers on the digital platform.

Like Salesmate, this tool also notifies you when new leads arrive, collects contact details, engages over bot conversation, and tracks performance.   

You also need to integrate this tool with your existing software to experience smooth functioning.   

You need to fill in your company’s details to get their custom pricing plans. 

4. Intercom 


Intercom is a messaging and text service platform with features to convert, engage, and support customers.  

It is easy to use and can be customized as and when required. In addition, it is flexible and can be used on various devices.  

You can set questions to qualify leads in real time. It already has a simple and advanced qualification system.   

And save crucial details in the app. This platform has a custom pricing plan, so the prices aren’t available on their site.   

5. Joonbot  


Joonbot allows you to create a chatbot within minutes. As a result, you can constantly be in touch with your leads and paying customers.  

It automatically collects lead data and qualifies them to ease the segmenting process. Further, you can even schedule demos and meetings with its bot feature. 

You need to integrate this tool with your current software to get it started. 

Its starter plan costs $28/month. 

6. Manifest AI

Manifest AI

Manifest AI is a GPT-4-based AI shopping assistant designed to assist Shopify store customers. This tool helps increase average order value, customer engagement, and conversion rates while reducing human agent costs by 80%. It offers features like AI-driven search, quizzes, support, and prompts to guide customer purchases.

The tool is customizable, auto-trained (custom training available), and can also gather customer information by interacting with visitors on your Shopify store.

It works seamlessly with popular platforms such as Gorgias, Yotpo, Omnisend, BIK, Zendesk, and Shopify Inbox.

Pricing starts at $99 per month, and there is an option for a 7-day free trial.

These were the top 6 tools that offer great chatbot services to stay connected with your leads and engage with your potential customers.  

Hope this was helpful! 

Wrapping up

A lead qualification bot is a smart tool that helps in generating qualifying leads automatically.

It has various benefits, like staying connected with your potential customers 24/7, its automation saves time and cost, and it boosts engagement flow.

Lastly, a chatbot is a potential tool for sales, marketing and customer support.

Remember you must choose lead qualification bot with a complete lead management feature like Salesmate!

Dhanashree Pal

Dhanashree has been into writing since her teens. She believes writing is the best way to express and explain everything happening in this world. Reading and imagining are something she can do for hours. Enthusiastic about exploring new places and food. Young and hopeful of becoming better with every passing day.

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