Salesmate Webinar: Summer Release - Unveiling exciting updates & features on 18th Jul 2024, Thursday at 1:00 PM EST. Reserve your spot.

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Being an avid reader, Parijat developed a keen interest in writing at a very young age. She's passionate about topics like Spirituality, History, Psychology, and Philosophy. She's now a Product Specialist at Salesmate and strives to write her own novel someday.

Sales StrategySales 17 Min read
Tire-kickers in sales: Who are they and how to avoid them?

Don’t you just hate it when someone eats all your time for...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Sales StrategySales 11 Min read
Hunters vs. farmer sales models: Find real personas of your sales reps

There are two ways of sustenance in our world – you either hunt down your food...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Product Updates 5 Min read
New updates to enhance your meeting experience like never before!

Salesmate is an ever-evolving platform and updating new features every now and then is second...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Product Updates 2 Min read
Small but valuable updates to increase your efficiency

It’s said that number seven is a charm. And Salesmate is here to make the seventh month...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Sales EmailsSales 8 Min read
9 Effective sales email tools for every sales rep

Sales emails are invitation envelopes, and most of your prospecting highly depends on it. They...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Sales EmailsSales 13 Min read
The five key components of sales emails

Anyone can write an email, even a school-going kid. It’s easy to whip up a write-up and send it...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Sales EmailsSales 7 Min read
The role of sales emails in the sales process

Warning! Reading ahead about the role of sales emails will change your perception and make you...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Marketing AutomationMarketing 15 Min read
A detailed guide on email automation

You must have heard of email automation if you work in sales or marketing. As a marketer or a...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Sales IncentivesSales 18 Min read
All you need to know about sales incentives

Sales isn’t the same as it used to be. The times have changed, and so has technology. And with...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Sales productivitySales 17 Min read
Is your sales team mature enough? Let’s find out!

Business is all about evolution. The minute a business owner decides to step down from direct...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Sales softwareSales 13 Min read
15 unique startup tools that no one is talking about

“The entrepreneurial journey starts with jumping off a cliff and assembling an airplane on the...

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

Sales CRMSales 8 Min read
Why startups should invest in CRM?

You are a budding entrepreneur and your start-up is just gearing up to take on the market....

Parijat Lamba

Parijat Lamba

Content Creator @ Salesmate

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