Whether an independent consultant or a consulting firm, finding clients is the primary challenge...
Lead vs prospect: A comparative study on sales conversion
As sales reps, if you know which leads to target and the way to approach them is when half a battle is...
Manufacturing sales strategy: Steps to increase sales in 2024!
The manufacturing sector faces an alarming rate of inflation, where the production rates...
11 Emerging manufacturing marketing trends to follow in 2024!
A survey reveals the steady increase in marketing budget in the manufacturing business from 6% in...
CRM and CPQ: What’s the difference?
About 91% of businesses with more than 10 employees use CRM. ...
Consulting sales process: A step-by-step guide!
Consultants usually work 50 to 80 hours weekly to cover their role's...
How to deal with difficult clients consulting – 7 Actionable ways!
According to Deltek's research, around 54% of COOs in consulting experience a challenge in...
Inbound sales: Meaning, strategy, process & tips!
Inbound sales is where reps focus on individual buyers and their needs, pains, and interests,...
Consulting fees: How much should I charge for my consulting?
As per a study by Statista, nearly 50% of the consultancy respondents said that market...
Warm up email domain to boost deliverability in 2024!
Every day, over 347 billion emails are sent and received. And nearly 20.4% of them go to spam or...
All-inclusive guide on consulting pricing strategies
The average billing range of the management consulting industry ranges between $100 to...
How to promote your consulting business [10 effective tips inside]
A study shows 87% of clients' trust is most important for purchasing consulting...
April 2023: 5 Improvements in Contacts, Companies, Salesmate Chat & more
April was a productive month for us. We took feedback from our customers on items that impact their...