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My Agenda – A better way to get more done everyday

Sales growth never happens by accident. It is a result of meticulous planning and continuous effort. Have you had one of those days when you feel like you were not focused and did not get enough done today? Isn’t it frustrating to see your sales reps losing productivity and deals because they do not know which follow-ups and tasks they should be doing today?

Salesmate’s My Agenda is designed to bring the power of focus, clarity, and automation to help your entire sales team get more work done every single day. As the name suggests, this feature is really simple yet powerful – your sales reps get a simple and complete agenda of all follow-ups, emails, tasks, and calls that they need to perform today and get them done quickly with smart queue widget using built-in actions. 

What makes My Agenda so powerful is its integration with Salesmate’s sales automation features such as Sequences and Workflows. When used together, these features allow sales teams to automate sales playbook and improve sales productivity at every stage. 

Here are the few ways you can use My Agenda to improve and automate your sales:

Starting your day with focus

Sales reps’ days are packed with prospecting calls, demos, meetings, follow-ups, lead nurturing…the list goes on. It is very difficult to keep track of tasks in your head with continuous pressure to achieve your sales quotas. In addition, there is a risk of missing out on some crucial follow-ups and actions that can make a difference between winning or losing the deal. 

As part of the latest Reports 2.0 release, you can add the  “My Agenda” widget to any dashboard (2.0). It generates an automated list of all scheduled tasks, emails, texts, and reminders that each sales rep needs to perform on a daily basis. So as soon as you log into your Salemsate CRM, you’ll instantly know where you need to invest your valuable time during the day. As the new activities are scheduled and assigned to a sales rep, they all show up on My Agenda – no need to hunt for them.

Moreover, each task on My Agenda also has a contextual action built-in. For example, if you need to call a prospect, the task on My Agenda will automatically allow you to call the customer with a click to call button. Similarly, if you need to send an email to a customer, you can start composing without leaving the list. You don’t need to waste time toggling between screens to complete your sales activities.

Using My Agenda with Smart Queues to fly through your follow-ups

How about adding some automation to complete more tasks in less time? Smart Queues (available in Boost plan) allows you to knock out all your tasks with automated navigation, call dialing (power dialer), and email and text drafting. All you need to do is click “Start Queue” and you can fly through all your sales activities in record time.

For instance, your agenda for the day is to make 30 outbound calls, just hit the “Start Queue” and Salesmate will automatically start calling these contacts one-by-one – all you need to do is sit back and talk to them.

“My Agenda” widget and a smart queue are a great combination that can help you simplify and improve your team’s everyday productivity.

Automating your sales playbook with My Agenda, Sequences and Workflows

Salesmate’s Sequences and Workflows are the best ways to automate follow-ups and busywork. With Sequences and Workflows, you can automate and schedule tasks, calls, emails, and texts for your entire sales team. The automation allows you to create a standard repeatable sales cadences for each lead and sales opportunity. Nothing falls through the cracks when there is no room for human error. 

While Sequences and Workflows are scheduling the follow-ups, My Agenda will collect and list all scheduled tasks – automated and manual –  that the sales rep needs to complete today. As the sales reps complete the tasks, the automation will keep moving forward to further engage the contacts in the sales process. 

The combination of Sequences, Workflows, and My Agenda will transform your entire sales team into a revenue-generating machine like no other.


An avid writer who likes to explore new fields and research about interesting subjects. She is a versatile content developer who plays with words to express her thoughts. Calm, carefree and creative are the words that describes her the best.

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